
# 3.waf 运行命令以及命令行解析的使用说明

在本节中,将介绍 ns3waf 运行命令,及命令行解析

# 介绍

ns3 使用了 waf 编译系统,在 ubuntu 环境下,打开终端,输入:

./waf --help
waf [command] [options]

即会出现大量的关于 waf 的命令行命令以及参数信息。



./waf --run "wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --help" 
./waf --run "code [Program Arguments] [General Arguments]"


这种参数通过在代码中设置的,通过 CommandLine 类完成解析,并设置参数的值。

Program Arguments:
    --phyMode:            Wifi Phy mode [OfdmRate6Mbps]
    --delta:              time offset (microseconds) for interfering signal [0]
    --PpacketSize:        size of application packet sent [1000]
    --IpacketSize:        size of interfering packet sent [1000]
    --verbose:            turn on all WifiNetDevice log components [false]
    --packetEnablePrint:  turn on print packet info [false]

以上参数是在 wifi-simple-learn-tcptest-debug 代码文件中设置的,以上输出信息,
包含三部分:命令行参数名,参数说明,以及 [] 中括号中给出的参数默认值。


./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --packetEnablePrint=true"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --packetEnablePrint=false"(这样的设置,等于默认值)



./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --PrintHelp"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --PrintGroups"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --PrintGroup=wifi"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --PrintTypeIds"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --help"
./waf --run "examples/wireless/wifi-simple-learn-tcptest --PrintAttributes=ns3::AdhocWifiMac"


--PrintGlobals:              Print the list of globals.     打印输出可以设置的全局变量
--PrintGroups:               Print the list of groups.      打印输出当前程序依赖的模块。
--PrintGroup=[group]:        Print all TypeIds of group.    打印输出指定模块的全部TypeId。
--PrintTypeIds:              Print all TypeIds.             打印所有TypeId
--PrintAttributes=[typeid]:  Print all attributes of typeid.打印指定TypeId的属性
--PrintHelp:                 Print this help message.       打印帮助信息

# 用法步骤

在代码中使用 Command 类,定义程序参数,并解析。

CommandLine cmd;
cmd.Usage ("CommandLine example program.\n"
             "This little program demonstrates how to use CommandLine.");
cmd.AddValue ("intArg",  "an int argument",       intArg);
cmd.AddValue ("boolArg", "a bool argument",       boolArg);
cmd.AddValue ("strArg",  "a string argument",     strArg);
cmd.AddValue ("anti",    attrPath);
cmd.AddValue ("cbArg",   "a string via callback", MakeCallback (SetCbArg));
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);

Usage 函数,输出参数信息。

AddValue 函数,有三个参数:

Parse 函数完成解析命令行参数。


在命令行使用 AddValue 函数的第一个参数字符串,设置变量对应的值。

./waf --run="command-line-example --intArg=2 --boolArg --strArg=Hello --cbArg=World --help"

# 说明

void CommandLine::AddValue (const std::string &name,const std::string &help,Callback<bool, std::string> callback)
void CommandLine::AddValue (const std::string &name,const std::string &attributePath)
void CommandLine::AddValue (const std::string &name, const std::string &help,T &value)

CommandLine 类有这三个 AddValue 的函数可以添加,对参数值进行设定。


第二个函数:对指定的值参数设置属性。这里面的属性参数一般都是 ns3 本身的属性参数。



const std::string attrClass = "ns3::RandomVariableStream";
  const std::string attrName  = "Antithetic";
  const std::string attrPath  = attrClass + "::" + attrName;
  // Cache the initial values.  Normally one wouldn't do this,
  // but we want to demonstrate that CommandLine has changed them.
  const int intDef = intArg;
  const bool boolDef = boolArg;
  const std::string strDef = strArg;
  const std::string cbDef  = g_cbArg;
  // Look up default value for attribute
  const TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName (attrClass);
  std::string attrDef;
    struct TypeId::AttributeInformation info;
    tid.LookupAttributeByName (attrName, &info);
    attrDef = info.originalInitialValue->SerializeToString (info.checker);
  CommandLine cmd;
  cmd.Usage ("CommandLine example program.\n"
             "This little program demonstrates how to use CommandLine.");
  cmd.AddValue ("intArg",  "an int argument",       intArg);
  cmd.AddValue ("boolArg", "a bool argument",       boolArg);
  // 对参数值设定
  cmd.AddValue ("strArg",  "a string argument",     strArg);
  // 对路径属性进行设置
  cmd.AddValue ("anti",    attrPath);
  // 对参数设置回调函数
  cmd.AddValue ("cbArg",   "a string via callback", MakeCallback (SetCbArg));

# 实例:


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
using namespace ns3;
std::string g_cbArg = "cbArg default";
bool SetCbArg (std::string val)
  g_cbArg = val;
  return true;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int         intArg  = 1;
  bool        boolArg = false;
  std::string strArg  = "strArg default";
  // Attribute path
  const std::string attrClass = "ns3::RandomVariableStream";
  const std::string attrName  = "Antithetic";
  const std::string attrPath  = attrClass + "::" + attrName;
  const int intDef = intArg;
  const bool boolDef = boolArg;
  const std::string strDef = strArg;
  const std::string cbDef  = g_cbArg;
  // Look up default value for attribute
  const TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName (attrClass);
  std::string attrDef;
    struct TypeId::AttributeInformation info;
    tid.LookupAttributeByName (attrName, &info);
    attrDef = info.originalInitialValue->SerializeToString (info.checker);
  CommandLine cmd;
  cmd.Usage ("CommandLine example program.\n"
             "This little program demonstrates how to use CommandLine.");
  cmd.AddValue ("intArg",  "an int argument",       intArg);
  cmd.AddValue ("boolArg", "a bool argument",       boolArg);
  cmd.AddValue ("strArg",  "a string argument",     strArg);
  cmd.AddValue ("anti",    attrPath);
  cmd.AddValue ("cbArg",   "a string via callback", MakeCallback (SetCbArg));
  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
  // 输出初始值:
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << cmd.GetName () << ":" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Initial values:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::left << std::setw (10) << "intArg:"
            <<                    intDef
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "boolArg:"
            << std::boolalpha  << boolDef  << std::noboolalpha
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "strArg:"
            << "\""            << strDef   << "\""
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "anti:"
            << "\""            << attrDef  << "\""
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "cbArg:"
            << "\""            << cbDef    << "\""
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  // 输出最终值:
  std::cout << "Final values:" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::left << std::setw (10) << "intArg:"
            <<                    intArg
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "boolArg:"
            << std::boolalpha  << boolArg
            << std::noboolalpha
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "strArg:"
            << "\""            << strArg   << "\""
            << std::endl;
  // Look up new default value for attribute
    struct TypeId::AttributeInformation info;
    tid.LookupAttributeByName (attrName, &info);
    std::cout << std::setw (10)            << "anti:"
              << "\""
              << info.initialValue->SerializeToString (info.checker)
              << "\""
              << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::setw (10)              << "cbArg:"
            << "\""            << g_cbArg  << "\""
            << std::endl;
  return 0;


./waf --run="command-line-example"
./waf --run="command-line-example --intArg=2 --boolArg --strArg=Hello --cbArg=World"
./waf --run="command-line-example --help"


第二行命令,加程序参数运行代码,其中 intArg=2,strArg=Hello,cbArg=World"
