
# 12.ns3 wifi 模块从 Socket 到 WifiNetDevice

在本节中,将从源码的角度解析 ns3wifi 模块,包括一个 packet 是如何从一台主机的 Socket 到另一台主机的 Socket


  1. 本节很长,而且很枯燥,但是对扩展 ns3 功能,了解 ns3 流程非常有帮助,请耐心观看。

  2. 本节的源码来自于 ns3.32 , 不同版本之间有一些差异,但大致流程差不多,可以互相参考。

  3. 本节需要一定的前置知识,推荐先阅读上一节 11.ns3 wifi 模块流程源码解析,大致了解 PacketNetDevice 到物理层之间的调用过程

# 发送过程分析

Socket 通信必定离不开 Socket::Send 函数,所以今天我们的起点就是 Socket::Send


   * \brief Send data (or dummy data) to the remote host
   * This function matches closely in semantics to the send() function
   * call in the standard C library (libc):
   *   ssize_t send (int s, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags);
   * except that the send I/O is asynchronous.  This is the
   * primary Send method at this low-level API and must be implemented 
   * by subclasses.
   * In a typical blocking sockets model, this call would block upon
   * lack of space to hold the message to be sent.  In ns-3 at this
   * API, the call returns immediately in such a case, but the callback
   * registered with SetSendCallback() is invoked when the socket
   * has space (when it conceptually unblocks); this is an asynchronous
   * I/O model for send().
   * This variant of Send() uses class ns3::Packet to encapsulate
   * data, rather than providing a raw pointer and length field.
   * This allows an ns-3 application to attach tags if desired (such
   * as a flow ID) and may allow the simulator to avoid some data
   * copies.  Despite the appearance of sending Packets on a stream
   * socket, just think of it as a fancy byte buffer with streaming
   * semantics.
   * If either the message buffer within the Packet is too long to pass 
   * atomically through the underlying protocol (for datagram sockets), 
   * or the message buffer cannot entirely fit in the transmit buffer
   * (for stream sockets), -1 is returned and SocketErrno is set 
   * to ERROR_MSGSIZE.  If the packet does not fit, the caller can
   * split the Packet (based on information obtained from 
   * GetTxAvailable) and reattempt to send the data.
   * The flags argument is formed by or'ing one or more of the values:
   *        MSG_OOB        process out-of-band data 
   *        MSG_DONTROUTE  bypass routing, use direct interface 
   * These flags are _unsupported_ as of ns-3.1.
   * \param p ns3::Packet to send
   * \param flags Socket control flags
   * \returns the number of bytes accepted for transmission if no error
   *          occurs, and -1 otherwise.
   * \see SetSendCallback
  virtual int Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags) = 0;



因为本人最常用的是 UdpSocket ,所以拿 UdpSocket 为例。

UdpSocket 里不包含 Send 函数,所以其实现是在子类 UdpSocketImpl 里面

UdpSocketImpl::Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << flags);
  if (!m_connected)
      m_errno = ERROR_NOTCONN;
      return -1;
  return DoSend (p);
UdpSocketImpl::DoSend (Ptr<Packet> p)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p);
  if ((m_endPoint == 0) && (Ipv4Address::IsMatchingType(m_defaultAddress) == true))
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  else if ((m_endPoint6 == 0) && (Ipv6Address::IsMatchingType(m_defaultAddress) == true))
      if (Bind6 () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 != 0);
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;
  if (Ipv4Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      return DoSendTo (p, Ipv4Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress), m_defaultPort, GetIpTos ());
  else if (Ipv6Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      return DoSendTo (p, Ipv6Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress), m_defaultPort);

Send 方法调用 DoSend 方法,其中 DoSend 方法做了一些判断,判断 socket 实现已经 bindconnection

UdpSocketImpl::DoSend 方法又调用了 DoSendTo 方法,分为两种情况,一种是 IPV4 ,一种是 IPV6 .

这里还是以 Ipv4 为例说明。

UdpSocketImpl::DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address dest, uint16_t port, uint8_t tos)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << dest << port << (uint16_t) tos);
  if (m_boundnetdevice)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Bound interface number " << m_boundnetdevice->GetIfIndex ());
  if (m_endPoint == 0)
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;
  if (p->GetSize () > GetTxAvailable () )
      m_errno = ERROR_MSGSIZE;
      return -1;
  uint8_t priority = GetPriority ();
  if (tos)
      SocketIpTosTag ipTosTag;
      ipTosTag.SetTos (tos);
      // This packet may already have a SocketIpTosTag (see BUG 2440)
      p->ReplacePacketTag (ipTosTag);
      priority = IpTos2Priority (tos);
  if (priority)
      SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
      priorityTag.SetPriority (priority);
      p->ReplacePacketTag (priorityTag);
  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
  // Locally override the IP TTL for this socket
  // We cannot directly modify the TTL at this stage, so we set a Packet tag
  // The destination can be either multicast, unicast/anycast, or
  // either all-hosts broadcast or limited (subnet-directed) broadcast.
  // For the latter two broadcast types, the TTL will later be set to one
  // irrespective of what is set in these socket options.  So, this tagging
  // may end up setting the TTL of a limited broadcast packet to be
  // the same as a unicast, but it will be fixed further down the stack
  if (m_ipMulticastTtl != 0 && dest.IsMulticast ())
      SocketIpTtlTag tag;
      tag.SetTtl (m_ipMulticastTtl);
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  else if (IsManualIpTtl () && GetIpTtl () != 0 && !dest.IsMulticast () && !dest.IsBroadcast ())
      SocketIpTtlTag tag;
      tag.SetTtl (GetIpTtl ());
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
    SocketSetDontFragmentTag tag;
    bool found = p->RemovePacketTag (tag);
    if (!found)
        if (m_mtuDiscover)
            tag.Enable ();
            tag.Disable ();
        p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  // Note that some systems will only send limited broadcast packets
  // out of the "default" interface; here we send it out all interfaces
  if (dest.IsBroadcast ())
      if (!m_allowBroadcast)
          m_errno = ERROR_OPNOTSUPP;
          return -1;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Limited broadcast start.");
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ipv4->GetNInterfaces (); i++ )
          // Get the primary address
          Ipv4InterfaceAddress iaddr = ipv4->GetAddress (i, 0);
          Ipv4Address addri = iaddr.GetLocal ();
          if (addri == Ipv4Address (""))
          // Check if interface-bound socket
          if (m_boundnetdevice) 
              if (ipv4->GetNetDevice (i) != m_boundnetdevice)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Sending one copy from " << addri << " to " << dest);
          m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), addri, dest,
                       m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port);
          NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
          NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Limited broadcast end.");
      return p->GetSize ();
  else if (m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress () != Ipv4Address::GetAny ())
      m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (), dest,
                   m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port, 0);
      NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
      NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      return p->GetSize ();
  else if (ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol () != 0)
      Ipv4Header header;
      header.SetDestination (dest);
      header.SetProtocol (UdpL4Protocol::PROT_NUMBER);
      Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
      Ptr<Ipv4Route> route;
      Ptr<NetDevice> oif = m_boundnetdevice; //specify non-zero if bound to a specific device
      // TBD-- we could cache the route and just check its validity
      route = ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (p, header, oif, errno_); 
      if (route != 0)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route exists");
          if (!m_allowBroadcast)
              // Here we try to route subnet-directed broadcasts
              uint32_t outputIfIndex = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice (route->GetOutputDevice ());
              uint32_t ifNAddr = ipv4->GetNAddresses (outputIfIndex);
              for (uint32_t addrI = 0; addrI < ifNAddr; ++addrI)
                  Ipv4InterfaceAddress ifAddr = ipv4->GetAddress (outputIfIndex, addrI);
                  if (dest == ifAddr.GetBroadcast ())
                      m_errno = ERROR_OPNOTSUPP;
                      return -1;
          header.SetSource (route->GetSource ());
          m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), header.GetSource (), header.GetDestination (),
                       m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port, route);
          NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
          return p->GetSize ();
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("No route to destination");
          NS_LOG_ERROR (errno_);
          m_errno = errno_;
          return -1;
      m_errno = ERROR_NOROUTETOHOST;
      return -1;
  return 0;

这里面有一个关键的步骤就是 Socket 发送的时候只知道目的节点 dest ,在传输的过程中,我们需要知道下一跳的节点 next 是什么?通常来说这是由配置的路由协议来决定的,这节的重点不是路由,所以我们先跳过这点,只需知道,在这时,已经找到了下一跳 next

// TBD-- we could cache the route and just check its validity
route = ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (p, header, oif, errno_);

回到函数中,我们可以看到得到 next 后,下一步调用的是 m_udp->Send

m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), header.GetSource (), header.GetDestination (),
                       m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port, route);

其中的 m_udp 对象就是 UdpL4Protocol 类对象,所以下一步是调用的 UdpL4Protocol::Send

UdpL4Protocol::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet, 
                     Ipv4Address saddr, Ipv4Address daddr, 
                     uint16_t sport, uint16_t dport)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << saddr << daddr << sport << dport);
  UdpHeader udpHeader;
  if(Node::ChecksumEnabled ())
      udpHeader.EnableChecksums ();
      udpHeader.InitializeChecksum (saddr,
  udpHeader.SetDestinationPort (dport);
  udpHeader.SetSourcePort (sport);
  packet->AddHeader (udpHeader);
  m_downTarget (packet, saddr, daddr, PROT_NUMBER, 0);

这里 UdpL4Protocol::Send 方法调用了一个 m_downTarget 的回调地址。 m_downTarget 的值的设置代码如下:

 * This method is called by AggregateObject and completes the aggregation
 * by setting the node in the udp stack and link it to the ipv4 object
 * present in the node along with the socket factory
UdpL4Protocol::NotifyNewAggregate ()
  Ptr<Node> node = this->GetObject<Node> ();
  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = this->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
  Ptr<Ipv6> ipv6 = node->GetObject<Ipv6> ();
  if (m_node == 0)
      if ((node != 0) && (ipv4 != 0 || ipv6 != 0))
          this->SetNode (node);
          Ptr<UdpSocketFactoryImpl> udpFactory = CreateObject<UdpSocketFactoryImpl> ();
          udpFactory->SetUdp (this);
          node->AggregateObject (udpFactory);
  // We set at least one of our 2 down targets to the IPv4/IPv6 send
  // functions.  Since these functions have different prototypes, we
  // need to keep track of whether we are connected to an IPv4 or
  // IPv6 lower layer and call the appropriate one.
  if (ipv4 != 0 && m_downTarget.IsNull())
      ipv4->Insert (this);
      this->SetDownTarget (MakeCallback (&Ipv4::Send, ipv4));
  if (ipv6 != 0 && m_downTarget6.IsNull())
      ipv6->Insert (this);
      this->SetDownTarget6 (MakeCallback (&Ipv6::Send, ipv6));
  IpL4Protocol::NotifyNewAggregate ();

所以实际调用的是 Ipv4::Send

virtual void Send (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv4Address source,
                     Ipv4Address destination, uint8_t protocol, Ptr<Ipv4Route> route) = 0;



这里我们也同样只看其中一个, Ipv4L3Protocol

Ipv4L3Protocol::Send (Ptr<Packet> packet, 
                      Ipv4Address source,
                      Ipv4Address destination,
                      uint8_t protocol,
                      Ptr<Ipv4Route> route)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << source << destination << uint32_t (protocol) << route);
  bool mayFragment = true;
  // we need a copy of the packet with its tags in case we need to invoke recursion.
  Ptr<Packet> pktCopyWithTags = packet->Copy ();
  uint8_t ttl = m_defaultTtl;
  SocketIpTtlTag ipTtlTag;
  bool ipTtlTagFound = packet->RemovePacketTag (ipTtlTag);
  if (ipTtlTagFound)
      ttl = ipTtlTag.GetTtl ();
  uint8_t tos = 0;
  SocketIpTosTag ipTosTag;
  bool ipTosTagFound = packet->RemovePacketTag (ipTosTag);
  if (ipTosTagFound)
      tos = ipTosTag.GetTos ();
  // can construct the header here
  Ipv4Header ipHeader = BuildHeader (source, destination, protocol, packet->GetSize (), ttl, tos, mayFragment);
  // Handle a few cases:
  // 1) packet is passed in with a route entry
  // 1a) packet is passed in with a route entry but route->GetGateway is not set (e.g., on-demand)
  // 1b) packet is passed in with a route entry and valid gateway
  // 2) packet is passed without a route and packet is destined to limited broadcast address
  // 3) packet is passed without a route and packet is destined to a subnet-directed broadcast address
  // 4) packet is passed without a route, packet is not broadcast (e.g., a raw socket call, or ICMP)
  // 1) packet is passed in with route entry
  if (route)
      // 1a) route->GetGateway is not set (e.g., on-demand)
      if (!route->GetGateway ().IsInitialized ())
          // This could arise because the synchronous RouteOutput() call
          // returned to the transport protocol with a source address but
          // there was no next hop available yet (since a route may need
          // to be queried).
          NS_FATAL_ERROR ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send case 1a: packet passed with a route but the Gateway address is uninitialized. This case not yet implemented.");
      // 1b) with a valid gateway
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send case 1b:  passed in with route and valid gateway");
      int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (route->GetOutputDevice ());
      m_sendOutgoingTrace (ipHeader, packet, interface);
      SendRealOut (route, packet->Copy (), ipHeader);
  // 2) packet is destined to limited broadcast address or link-local multicast address
  if (destination.IsBroadcast () || destination.IsLocalMulticast ())
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send case 2:  limited broadcast - no route");
      uint32_t ifaceIndex = 0;
      for (Ipv4InterfaceList::iterator ifaceIter = m_interfaces.begin ();
           ifaceIter != m_interfaces.end (); ifaceIter++, ifaceIndex++)
          Ptr<Ipv4Interface> outInterface = *ifaceIter;
          // ANY source matches any interface
          bool sendIt = source.IsAny ();
          // check if some specific address on outInterface matches
          for (uint32_t index = 0; !sendIt && index < outInterface->GetNAddresses (); index++)
              if (outInterface->GetAddress (index).GetLocal () == source)
                  sendIt = true;
          if (sendIt)
              // create a proxy route for this interface
              Ptr<Ipv4Route> route = Create<Ipv4Route> ();
              route->SetDestination (destination);
              route->SetGateway (Ipv4Address::GetAny ());
              route->SetSource (source);
              route->SetOutputDevice (outInterface->GetDevice ());
              DecreaseIdentification (source, destination, protocol);
              Send (pktCopyWithTags, source, destination, protocol, route);
  // 3) check: packet is destined to a subnet-directed broadcast address
  for (Ipv4InterfaceList::iterator ifaceIter = m_interfaces.begin ();
       ifaceIter != m_interfaces.end (); ifaceIter++)
      Ptr<Ipv4Interface> outInterface = *ifaceIter;
      uint32_t ifaceIndex = GetInterfaceForDevice (outInterface->GetDevice ());
      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < GetNAddresses (ifaceIndex); j++)
          Ipv4InterfaceAddress ifAddr = GetAddress (ifaceIndex, j);
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Testing address " << ifAddr.GetLocal () << " with mask " << ifAddr.GetMask ());
          if (destination.IsSubnetDirectedBroadcast (ifAddr.GetMask ()) && 
              destination.CombineMask (ifAddr.GetMask ()) == ifAddr.GetLocal ().CombineMask (ifAddr.GetMask ())   )
              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send case 3:  subnet directed bcast to " << ifAddr.GetLocal () << " - no route");
              // create a proxy route for this interface
              Ptr<Ipv4Route> route = Create<Ipv4Route> ();
              route->SetDestination (destination);
              route->SetGateway (Ipv4Address::GetAny ());
              route->SetSource (source);
              route->SetOutputDevice (outInterface->GetDevice ());
              DecreaseIdentification (source, destination, protocol);
              Send (pktCopyWithTags, source, destination, protocol, route);
  // 4) packet is not broadcast, and route is NULL (e.g., a raw socket call)
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send case 4:  not broadcast and passed in with no route " << destination);
  Socket::SocketErrno errno_; 
  Ptr<NetDevice> oif (0); // unused for now
  Ptr<Ipv4Route> newRoute;
  if (m_routingProtocol != 0)
      newRoute = m_routingProtocol->RouteOutput (packet, ipHeader, oif, errno_);
      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Ipv4L3Protocol::Send: m_routingProtocol == 0");
  if (newRoute)
      DecreaseIdentification (source, destination, protocol);
      Send (pktCopyWithTags, source, destination, protocol, newRoute);
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No route to host.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), 0);
      DecreaseIdentification (source, destination, protocol);

这个函数里对是否有 route 做了五种情况的区分。最终都会走到 Ipv4L3Protocol::SendRealOut

Ipv4L3Protocol::SendRealOut (Ptr<Ipv4Route> route,
                             Ptr<Packet> packet,
                             Ipv4Header const &ipHeader)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << route << packet << &ipHeader);
  if (route == 0)
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No route to host.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), 0);
  Ptr<NetDevice> outDev = route->GetOutputDevice ();
  int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice (outDev);
  NS_ASSERT (interface >= 0);
  Ptr<Ipv4Interface> outInterface = GetInterface (interface);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Send via NetDevice ifIndex " << outDev->GetIfIndex () << " ipv4InterfaceIndex " << interface);
  Ipv4Address target;
  std::string targetLabel;
  if (route->GetGateway ().IsAny ())
      target = ipHeader.GetDestination ();
      targetLabel = "destination";
      target = route->GetGateway ();
      targetLabel = "gateway";
  if (outInterface->IsUp ())
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Send to " << targetLabel << " " << target);
      if ( packet->GetSize () + ipHeader.GetSerializedSize () > outInterface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu () )
          std::list<Ipv4PayloadHeaderPair> listFragments;
          DoFragmentation (packet, ipHeader, outInterface->GetDevice ()->GetMtu (), listFragments);
          for ( std::list<Ipv4PayloadHeaderPair>::iterator it = listFragments.begin (); it != listFragments.end (); it++ )
              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Sending fragment " << *(it->first) );
              CallTxTrace (it->second, it->first, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
              outInterface->Send (it->first, it->second, target);
          CallTxTrace (ipHeader, packet, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
          outInterface->Send (packet, ipHeader, target);

outInterface 的类型是 Ipv4Interface ,所以下一步就是

Ipv4Interface::Send (Ptr<Packet> p, const Ipv4Header & hdr, Ipv4Address dest)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << *p << dest);
  if (!IsUp ())
  // Check for a loopback device, if it's the case we don't pass through
  // traffic control layer
  if (DynamicCast<LoopbackNetDevice> (m_device))
      /// \todo additional checks needed here (such as whether multicast
      /// goes to loopback)?
      p->AddHeader (hdr);
      m_device->Send (p, m_device->GetBroadcast (), Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER);
  NS_ASSERT (m_tc != 0);
  // is this packet aimed at a local interface ?
  for (Ipv4InterfaceAddressListCI i = m_ifaddrs.begin (); i != m_ifaddrs.end (); ++i)
      if (dest == (*i).GetLocal ())
          p->AddHeader (hdr);
          m_tc->Receive (m_device, p, Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER,
                         m_device->GetBroadcast (),
                         m_device->GetBroadcast (),
  if (m_device->NeedsArp ())
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Needs ARP" << " " << dest);
      Ptr<ArpL3Protocol> arp = m_node->GetObject<ArpL3Protocol> ();
      Address hardwareDestination;
      bool found = false;
      if (dest.IsBroadcast ())
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("All-network Broadcast");
          hardwareDestination = m_device->GetBroadcast ();
          found = true;
      else if (dest.IsMulticast ())
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("IsMulticast");
          NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_device->IsMulticast (),
                         "ArpIpv4Interface::SendTo (): Sending multicast packet over "
                         "non-multicast device");
          hardwareDestination = m_device->GetMulticast (dest);
          found = true;
          for (Ipv4InterfaceAddressListCI i = m_ifaddrs.begin (); i != m_ifaddrs.end (); ++i)
              if (dest.IsSubnetDirectedBroadcast ((*i).GetMask ()))
                  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Subnetwork Broadcast");
                  hardwareDestination = m_device->GetBroadcast ();
                  found = true;
          if (!found)
              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("ARP Lookup");
              found = arp->Lookup (p, hdr, dest, m_device, m_cache, &hardwareDestination);
      if (found)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Address Resolved.  Send.");
          m_tc->Send (m_device, Create<Ipv4QueueDiscItem> (p, hardwareDestination, Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, hdr));
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Doesn't need ARP");
      m_tc->Send (m_device, Create<Ipv4QueueDiscItem> (p, m_device->GetBroadcast (), Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, hdr));

m_tc 类型是 Ipv4InterfaceSend 方法会做一些判断,广播,多播、子网广播、ARP 等,处理不同。 m_tc 对象就是 TrafficControlLayer 类对象。

TrafficControlLayer::Send (Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<QueueDiscItem> item)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device << item);
  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Send packet to device " << device << " protocol number " <<
                item->GetProtocol ());
  Ptr<NetDeviceQueueInterface> devQueueIface;
  std::map<Ptr<NetDevice>, NetDeviceInfo>::iterator ndi = m_netDevices.find (device);
  if (ndi != m_netDevices.end ())
      devQueueIface = ndi->second.m_ndqi;
  // determine the transmission queue of the device where the packet will be enqueued
  std::size_t txq = 0;
  if (devQueueIface && devQueueIface->GetNTxQueues () > 1)
      txq = devQueueIface->GetSelectQueueCallback () (item);
      // otherwise, Linux determines the queue index by using a hash function
      // and associates such index to the socket which the packet belongs to,
      // so that subsequent packets of the same socket will be mapped to the
      // same tx queue (__netdev_pick_tx function in net/core/dev.c). It is
      // pointless to implement this in ns-3 because currently the multi-queue
      // devices provide a select queue callback
  NS_ASSERT (!devQueueIface || txq < devQueueIface->GetNTxQueues ());
  if (ndi == m_netDevices.end () || ndi->second.m_rootQueueDisc == 0)
      // The device has no attached queue disc, thus add the header to the packet and
      // send it directly to the device if the selected queue is not stopped
      if (!devQueueIface || !devQueueIface->GetTxQueue (txq)->IsStopped ())
          item->AddHeader ();
          // a single queue device makes no use of the priority tag
          if (!devQueueIface || devQueueIface->GetNTxQueues () == 1)
              SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
              item->GetPacket ()->RemovePacketTag (priorityTag);
          device->Send (item->GetPacket (), item->GetAddress (), item->GetProtocol ());
      // Enqueue the packet in the queue disc associated with the netdevice queue
      // selected for the packet and try to dequeue packets from such queue disc
      item->SetTxQueueIndex (txq);
      Ptr<QueueDisc> qDisc = ndi->second.m_queueDiscsToWake[txq];
      NS_ASSERT (qDisc);
      qDisc->Enqueue (item);
      qDisc->Run ();

TrafficControlLayer::Send 方法会通过 device->Send 发送 packet
其中的 device 对象就是 WiFiNetDevice 对象。

由此,完成了 packetsocket 对象到 netdevice 的发送过程。之后就是上一节的内容了

# 发送过程流程图


# 接收过程分析

首先回到上节描述的 WifiNetDevice::ForwardUp

WifiNetDevice::ForwardUp (Ptr<const Packet> packet, Mac48Address from, Mac48Address to)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << from << to);
  LlcSnapHeader llc;
  NetDevice::PacketType type;
  if (to.IsBroadcast ())
      type = NetDevice::PACKET_BROADCAST;
  else if (to.IsGroup ())
      type = NetDevice::PACKET_MULTICAST;
  else if (to == m_mac->GetAddress ())
      type = NetDevice::PACKET_HOST;
      type = NetDevice::PACKET_OTHERHOST;
  Ptr<Packet> copy = packet->Copy ();
  if (type != NetDevice::PACKET_OTHERHOST)
      m_mac->NotifyRx (packet);
      copy->RemoveHeader (llc);
      m_forwardUp (this, copy, llc.GetType (), from);
      copy->RemoveHeader (llc);
  if (!m_promiscRx.IsNull ())
      m_mac->NotifyPromiscRx (copy);
      m_promiscRx (this, copy, llc.GetType (), from, to, type);

这里主要是两个回调,一个是 m_forwardUp ,另一个是 m_promiscRx

m_forwardUp 的设置是在 Node.cc

Node::AddDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> device)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device);
  uint32_t index = m_devices.size ();
  m_devices.push_back (device);
  device->SetNode (this);
  device->SetIfIndex (index);
  device->SetReceiveCallback (MakeCallback (&Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice, this));
  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (GetId (), Seconds (0.0), 
                                  &NetDevice::Initialize, device);
  NotifyDeviceAdded (device);
  return index;

所以实际调用的是 Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice

Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> packet, uint16_t protocol,
                                   const Address &from)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device << packet << protocol << &from);
  return ReceiveFromDevice (device, packet, protocol, from, device->GetAddress (), NetDevice::PacketType (0), false);
Node::ReceiveFromDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> packet, uint16_t protocol,
                         const Address &from, const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType, bool promiscuous)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device << packet << protocol << &from << &to << packetType << promiscuous);
  NS_ASSERT_MSG (Simulator::GetContext () == GetId (), "Received packet with erroneous context ; " <<
                 "make sure the channels in use are correctly updating events context " <<
                 "when transferring events from one node to another.");
  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node " << GetId () << " ReceiveFromDevice:  dev "
                        << device->GetIfIndex () << " (type=" << device->GetInstanceTypeId ().GetName ()
                        << ") Packet UID " << packet->GetUid ());
  bool found = false;
  for (ProtocolHandlerList::iterator i = m_handlers.begin ();
       i != m_handlers.end (); i++)
      if (i->device == 0 ||
          (i->device != 0 && i->device == device))
          if (i->protocol == 0 || 
              i->protocol == protocol)
              if (promiscuous == i->promiscuous)
                  i->handler (device, packet, protocol, from, to, packetType);
                  found = true;
  return found;

Node::NonPromiscReceiveFromDevice 方法调用 Node::ReceiveFromDevice 方法,方法内部会循环判断是否是合适的处理 packet 的协议,如果有, foundtrue ,则就有由协议来处理 packet

m_handlers 的值是通过 Node::RegisterProtocolHandler 方法设置的。代码如下:

Node::RegisterProtocolHandler (ProtocolHandler handler, 
                               uint16_t protocolType,
                               Ptr<NetDevice> device,
                               bool promiscuous)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << &handler << protocolType << device << promiscuous);
  struct Node::ProtocolHandlerEntry entry;
  entry.handler = handler;
  entry.protocol = protocolType;
  entry.device = device;
  entry.promiscuous = promiscuous;
  // On demand enable promiscuous mode in netdevices
  if (promiscuous)
      if (device == 0)
          for (std::vector<Ptr<NetDevice> >::iterator i = m_devices.begin ();
               i != m_devices.end (); i++)
              Ptr<NetDevice> dev = *i;
              dev->SetPromiscReceiveCallback (MakeCallback (&Node::PromiscReceiveFromDevice, this));
          device->SetPromiscReceiveCallback (MakeCallback (&Node::PromiscReceiveFromDevice, this));
  m_handlers.push_back (entry);

通过全局搜索的话,调用 Node::RegisterProtocolHandler 方法的地方有很多,但总的来说都是根据配置的协议来选择的,这里我们以 TrafficControlLayer::Receive 为例。


TrafficControlLayer::Receive (Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p,
                              uint16_t protocol, const Address &from, const Address &to,
                              NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device << p << protocol << from << to << packetType);
  bool found = false;
  for (ProtocolHandlerList::iterator i = m_handlers.begin ();
       i != m_handlers.end (); i++)
      if (i->device == 0
          || (i->device != 0 && i->device == device))
          if (i->protocol == 0
              || i->protocol == protocol)
              NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Found handler for packet " << p << ", protocol " <<
                            protocol << " and NetDevice " << device <<
                            ". Send packet up");
              i->handler (device, p, protocol, from, to, packetType);
              found = true;
  NS_ABORT_MSG_IF (!found, "Handler for protocol " << p << " and device " << device <<
                           " not found. It isn't forwarded up; it dies here.");

在这里也涉及到一个 m_handlers

其设置方式为 TrafficControlLayer::RegisterProtocolHandler

TrafficControlLayer::RegisterProtocolHandler (Node::ProtocolHandler handler,
                                              uint16_t protocolType, Ptr<NetDevice> device)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << protocolType << device);
  struct ProtocolHandlerEntry entry;
  entry.handler = handler;
  entry.protocol = protocolType;
  entry.device = device;
  entry.promiscuous = false;
  m_handlers.push_back (entry);
  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Handler for NetDevice: " << device << " registered for protocol " <<
                protocolType << ".");



tc->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive, this),
                               Ipv4L3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, device);
  tc->RegisterProtocolHandler (MakeCallback (&ArpL3Protocol::Receive, PeekPointer (GetObject<ArpL3Protocol> ())),
                               ArpL3Protocol::PROT_NUMBER, device);

具体执行哪里,要看使用的协议。对于 packet 数据包来说,处理起来就是 Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive ,如果使用到了 ARP 协议,处理起来就是 ArpL3Protocol::Receive

这里以 Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive 为例说明。

Ipv4L3Protocol::Receive ( Ptr<NetDevice> device, Ptr<const Packet> p, uint16_t protocol, const Address &from,
                          const Address &to, NetDevice::PacketType packetType)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << device << p << protocol << from << to << packetType);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Packet from " << from << " received on node " << 
                m_node->GetId ());
  int32_t interface = GetInterfaceForDevice(device);
  NS_ASSERT_MSG (interface != -1, "Received a packet from an interface that is not known to IPv4");
  Ptr<Packet> packet = p->Copy ();
  Ptr<Ipv4Interface> ipv4Interface = m_interfaces[interface];
  if (ipv4Interface->IsUp ())
      m_rxTrace (packet, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping received packet -- interface is down");
      Ipv4Header ipHeader;
      packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_INTERFACE_DOWN, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
  Ipv4Header ipHeader;
  if (Node::ChecksumEnabled ())
      ipHeader.EnableChecksum ();
  packet->RemoveHeader (ipHeader);
  // Trim any residual frame padding from underlying devices
  if (ipHeader.GetPayloadSize () < packet->GetSize ())
      packet->RemoveAtEnd (packet->GetSize () - ipHeader.GetPayloadSize ());
  if (!ipHeader.IsChecksumOk ()) 
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping received packet -- checksum not ok");
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_BAD_CHECKSUM, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
  // the packet is valid, we update the ARP cache entry (if present)
  Ptr<ArpCache> arpCache = ipv4Interface->GetArpCache ();
  if (arpCache)
      // case one, it's a a direct routing.
      ArpCache::Entry *entry = arpCache->Lookup (ipHeader.GetSource ());
      if (entry)
          if (entry->IsAlive ())
              entry->UpdateSeen ();
          // It's not in the direct routing, so it's the router, and it could have multiple IP addresses.
          // In doubt, update all of them.
          // Note: it's a confirmed behavior for Linux routers.
          std::list<ArpCache::Entry *> entryList = arpCache->LookupInverse (from);
          std::list<ArpCache::Entry *>::iterator iter;
          for (iter = entryList.begin (); iter != entryList.end (); iter ++)
              if ((*iter)->IsAlive ())
                  (*iter)->UpdateSeen ();
  for (SocketList::iterator i = m_sockets.begin (); i != m_sockets.end (); ++i)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Forwarding to raw socket"); 
      Ptr<Ipv4RawSocketImpl> socket = *i;
      socket->ForwardUp (packet, ipHeader, ipv4Interface);
  if (m_enableDpd && ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsMulticast () && UpdateDuplicate (packet, ipHeader))
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Dropping received packet -- duplicate.");
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_DUPLICATE, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);
  NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_routingProtocol != 0, "Need a routing protocol object to process packets");
  if (!m_routingProtocol->RouteInput (packet, ipHeader, device,
                                      MakeCallback (&Ipv4L3Protocol::IpForward, this),
                                      MakeCallback (&Ipv4L3Protocol::IpMulticastForward, this),
                                      MakeCallback (&Ipv4L3Protocol::LocalDeliver, this),
                                      MakeCallback (&Ipv4L3Protocol::RouteInputError, this)
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No route found for forwarding packet.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (ipHeader, packet, DROP_NO_ROUTE, m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> (), interface);

在该函数中主要分两部分,如果 m_sockets 不为空的话,直接 socket::ForwardUp ,否则通过 m_routingProtocol->RouteInput 交付。 m_routingProtocol 类型是 Ipv4RoutingProtocol ,我们按照 Ipv4RoutingProtocol::RouteInput 进行探索。

virtual bool RouteInput  (Ptr<const Packet> p, const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr<const NetDevice> idev, 
                            UnicastForwardCallback ucb, MulticastForwardCallback mcb,
                            LocalDeliverCallback lcb, ErrorCallback ecb) = 0;


但都会调用 LocalDeliverCallback lcb ,即 LocalDeliver 方法

Ipv4L3Protocol::LocalDeliver (Ptr<const Packet> packet, Ipv4Header const&ip, uint32_t iif)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << &ip << iif);
  Ptr<Packet> p = packet->Copy (); // need to pass a non-const packet up
  Ipv4Header ipHeader = ip;
  if ( !ipHeader.IsLastFragment () || ipHeader.GetFragmentOffset () != 0 )
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Received a fragment, processing " << *p );
      bool isPacketComplete;
      isPacketComplete = ProcessFragment (p, ipHeader, iif);
      if ( isPacketComplete == false)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Got last fragment, Packet is complete " << *p );
      ipHeader.SetFragmentOffset (0);
      ipHeader.SetPayloadSize (p->GetSize ());
  m_localDeliverTrace (ipHeader, p, iif);
  Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol = GetProtocol (ipHeader.GetProtocol (), iif);
  if (protocol != 0)
      // we need to make a copy in the unlikely event we hit the
      // RX_ENDPOINT_UNREACH codepath
      Ptr<Packet> copy = p->Copy ();
      enum IpL4Protocol::RxStatus status = 
        protocol->Receive (p, ipHeader, GetInterface (iif));
      switch (status) {
        case IpL4Protocol::RX_OK:
        // fall through
        case IpL4Protocol::RX_ENDPOINT_CLOSED:
        // fall through
        case IpL4Protocol::RX_CSUM_FAILED:
        case IpL4Protocol::RX_ENDPOINT_UNREACH:
          if (ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsBroadcast () == true ||
              ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsMulticast () == true)
              break; // Do not reply to broadcast or multicast
          // Another case to suppress ICMP is a subnet-directed broadcast
          bool subnetDirected = false;
          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < GetNAddresses (iif); i++)
              Ipv4InterfaceAddress addr = GetAddress (iif, i);
              if (addr.GetLocal ().CombineMask (addr.GetMask ()) == ipHeader.GetDestination ().CombineMask (addr.GetMask ()) &&
                  ipHeader.GetDestination ().IsSubnetDirectedBroadcast (addr.GetMask ()))
                  subnetDirected = true;
          if (subnetDirected == false)
              GetIcmp ()->SendDestUnreachPort (ipHeader, copy);


Ptr<IpL4Protocol> protocol = GetProtocol (ipHeader.GetProtocol (), iif);
Ptr<Packet> copy = p->Copy ();
enum IpL4Protocol::RxStatus status = protocol->Receive (p, ipHeader, GetInterface (iif));

其中的 protocol 就是根据头部协议号决定,这里我们考虑 UDP 协议,那么会执行 UdpL4Protocol 。会执行它的 Receive 方法。

enum IpL4Protocol::RxStatus
UdpL4Protocol::Receive (Ptr<Packet> packet,
                        Ipv4Header const &header,
                        Ptr<Ipv4Interface> interface)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << header);
  UdpHeader udpHeader;
  if(Node::ChecksumEnabled ())
      udpHeader.EnableChecksums ();
  udpHeader.InitializeChecksum (header.GetSource (), header.GetDestination (), PROT_NUMBER);
  // We only peek at the header for now (instead of removing it) so that it will be intact
  // if we have to pass it to a IPv6 endpoint via:
  //   UdpL4Protocol::Receive (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv6Address &src, Ipv6Address &dst, ...)
  packet->PeekHeader (udpHeader);
  if(!udpHeader.IsChecksumOk ())
      NS_LOG_INFO ("Bad checksum : dropping packet!");
      return IpL4Protocol::RX_CSUM_FAILED;
  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Looking up dst " << header.GetDestination () << " port " << udpHeader.GetDestinationPort ()); 
  Ipv4EndPointDemux::EndPoints endPoints =
    m_endPoints->Lookup (header.GetDestination (), udpHeader.GetDestinationPort (),
                         header.GetSource (), udpHeader.GetSourcePort (), interface);
  if (endPoints.empty ())
      if (this->GetObject<Ipv6L3Protocol> () != 0)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("  No Ipv4 endpoints matched on UdpL4Protocol, trying Ipv6 "<<this);
          Ptr<Ipv6Interface> fakeInterface;
          Ipv6Header ipv6Header;
          Ipv6Address src = Ipv6Address::MakeIpv4MappedAddress (header.GetSource ());
          Ipv6Address dst = Ipv6Address::MakeIpv4MappedAddress (header.GetDestination ());
          ipv6Header.SetSourceAddress (src);
          ipv6Header.SetDestinationAddress (dst);
          return (this->Receive (packet, ipv6Header, fakeInterface));
      return IpL4Protocol::RX_ENDPOINT_UNREACH;
  for (Ipv4EndPointDemux::EndPointsI endPoint = endPoints.begin ();
       endPoint != endPoints.end (); endPoint++)
      (*endPoint)->ForwardUp (packet->Copy (), header, udpHeader.GetSourcePort (), 
  return IpL4Protocol::RX_OK;

其中就会执行 (*endPoint)->ForwardUp

Ipv4EndPoint::ForwardUp (Ptr<Packet> p, const Ipv4Header& header, uint16_t sport,
                         Ptr<Ipv4Interface> incomingInterface)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << &header << sport << incomingInterface);
  if (!m_rxCallback.IsNull ())
      m_rxCallback (p, header, sport, incomingInterface);


UdpSocketImpl::FinishBind (void)
  bool done = false;
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      m_endPoint->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint->SetIcmpCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::Destroy, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      done = true;
  if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      m_endPoint6->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint6->SetIcmpCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint6->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::Destroy6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      done = true;
  if (done)
      return 0;
  return -1;

m_rxCallback 也就是调用 UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp

UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv4Header header, uint16_t port,
                          Ptr<Ipv4Interface> incomingInterface)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << header << port);
  if (m_shutdownRecv)
  // Should check via getsockopt ()..
  if (IsRecvPktInfo ())
      Ipv4PacketInfoTag tag;
      packet->RemovePacketTag (tag);
      tag.SetRecvIf (incomingInterface->GetDevice ()->GetIfIndex ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (tag);
  //Check only version 4 options
  if (IsIpRecvTos ())
      SocketIpTosTag ipTosTag;
      ipTosTag.SetTos (header.GetTos ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipTosTag);
  if (IsIpRecvTtl ())
      SocketIpTtlTag ipTtlTag;
      ipTtlTag.SetTtl (header.GetTtl ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipTtlTag);
  // in case the packet still has a priority tag attached, remove it
  SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
  packet->RemovePacketTag (priorityTag);
  if ((m_rxAvailable + packet->GetSize ()) <= m_rcvBufSize)
      Address address = InetSocketAddress (header.GetSource (), port);
      m_deliveryQueue.push (std::make_pair (packet, address));
      m_rxAvailable += packet->GetSize ();
      NotifyDataRecv ();
      // In general, this case should not occur unless the
      // receiving application reads data from this socket slowly
      // in comparison to the arrival rate
      // drop and trace packet
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No receive buffer space available.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (packet);

然后调用 NotifyDataRecv 来实现到上层的数据传递

Socket::NotifyDataRecv (void)
  if (!m_receivedData.IsNull ())
      m_receivedData (this);

# 完整流程图示意
